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Welcome to the official wiki for ServerAssistantAI, the game-changing Minecraft plugin that drastically improves player support and engagement by integrating the latest AI technology. ServerAssistantAI seamlessly connects with your server's Discord and in-game server chat, providing instant, accurate, and context-aware responses to player inquiries, enhancing their experience, and reducing the workload on server staff.

Key Features:

  •  Instant Dual-Platform AI Responses: Get immediate answers to questions asked in-game, as well as on Discord.

  • 🤖 Extensive AI Model Support (Free and Paid!): Choose between completely free and paid Large Language Models from 20+ AI Providers for diverse AI capabilities.

  • 🔍 Smart Question Detection: Question detection to identify and respond to server-related questions from players.

  • 📚 Document-Based Information: The document.txt contains all server-related information, and is analyzed when a question is asked to provide accurate answers, ensuring only relevant context is sent to the AI, regardless of document size and optimized through AI embeddings.

  • 👥 Public and Private Responses: Option for players to receive AI responses publically in chat or privately.

  • 🗣️ Forced Response Trigger: Ability to mention the bot's name in a message to force a response, even if the message is not a question.

  • ⚙️ Configurable Interaction: Tailor AI persona and behavior to your server's unique needs along with many different configuration options.

  •  Daily Question Limits: Manage AI usage efficiently for both Discord and in-game, with ability to create multiple groups with different limits.

  • 🔧 PlaceholderAPI & MiniMessage Support: Extend functionality with custom placeholders and rich formatting.

  • 🤝 DiscordSRV Integration: Seamless connection with your Discord community, along with an option for a standalone bot.

  • 🔔 Discord Webhook Integration: Tracks player AI interactions in a specified Discord channel for easy moderation and review.

  • 🚀 Asynchronous Performance: Runs completely asynchronously, ensuring minimal impact on server performance.

  • 🎉 And much more!

 Expand with Addons:

  • 🧠 Advanced Question Detection: Addon using a custom-trained model to detect questions more accurately, reducing false positives and false negatives.

  • 🌎 Diverse Providers & Models: Access additional AI providers and models to tailor the AI capabilities to your server’s needs.

 Developer API:

  • 🛠️ ServerAssistant API: Enables developers to integrate ServerAssistantAI’s functionality into their own plugins or create custom add-ons, expanding the potential of AI-assisted server management.

To get started with ServerAssistantAI, check out our Getting Started guide. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out on our Support channels.

pageShowcasepageFeaturespageCommands & PermissionspageAI ProviderspageRecommended ModelspageOfficial SupportpageTroubleshooting

Get Started

We've put together some helpful guides for you to get set up with ServerAssistantAI quickly and easily.

pageHow ServerAssistantAI WorkspageThe BasicspageFAQspageAPI

Last updated