
If you encounter any issues while using ServerAssistantAI, try the following troubleshooting steps:

API Keys and Tokens:

  • Double-check that your API keys and tokens for the providers you're using (e.g., OpenAI, Cohere) are entered correctly in the credentials.yml file.

  • Ensure that your API key/token has the necessary permissions to access the required models and endpoints.

  • If you're using a separate Discord bot token, verify that it's entered correctly and that the bot has the necessary server and channel permissions in your server.

Configuration Files

  • Review the files in the plugins/ServerAssistantAI/discord/ and plugins/ServerAssistantAI/minecraft/ directories to make sure the prompt format matches the chosen model.

  • Pay special attention to the prompt-header.txt, question-message.txt, and information-message.txt files, as these can affect the AI's responses and behavior.

  • Double-check your config.yml file for any misconfigurations or missing values.

Optional Dependencies:

  • If you plan on using the Discord features, ensure you have the latest versions of DiscordSRV and DiscordSRVUtils installed. DiscordSRVUtils is required for the Discord Integration alert.

  • If you're using PlaceholderAPI, ensure it's up-to-date and properly configured.

Cache and Database Files:

  • If the AI's responses seem outdated or inconsistent, try deleting the files in the plugins/ServerAssistantAI/cache/ directory and restarting your server.

  • If you encounter database-related errors, check the files in the plugins/ServerAssistantAI/database/ directory for any signs of corruption. You may need to delete these files and let the plugin regenerate them.

Console Errors:

  • Check your server's console for any error messages related to ServerAssistantAI. These may provide clues about the source of the problem.

  • If you see errors mentioning specific files or dependencies, double-check those components and ensure they're properly installed and configured.

Insufficient Permissions:

  • If players are unable to use certain commands or features, please check whether the player has the required permission as listed in Commands & Permissions.

  • For Discord-related issues, check that the bot has the necessary permissions in your server's channel and role settings.

If you're still having trouble after trying these steps, please reach out to our support team on Discord or submit an issue request on our GitHub repository if you believe it is a bug.

Last updated