
ServerAssistantAI is packed with many features designed to enhance player support, engagement, and overall experience on your Minecraft and discord server.

Let's take an in-depth look at the key features offered by ServerAssistantAI:

  1. Seamless Dual-Platform Integration

    • Minecraft Chat Integration: ServerAssistantAI seamlessly integrates with your server's in-game chat. Players can communicate with the AI assistant through Minecraft's chat interface, making it convenient to seek help or information without disrupting gameplay. In-game, players can ask questions in the following ways:

      • Asking questions directly in the public chat will work as long as the message meets the minimum_words threshold requirements and related chunks are found in the document.txt file or if the question is Minecraft-related.

      • Forcing the bot to reply by including the AI's full name (specified in the bot_name field) within the sentence.

      • Asking questions privately using the /serverassistantai ask (question) command (/ai alias can also be used)

    • Discord Integration: In addition to Minecraft, ServerAssistantAI also seamlessly integrates with your server's Discord, allowing players to interact with the AI assistant. Players can ask questions, seek information, or request assistance, and the AI will provide instant, accurate, and context-aware responses. On Discord, players can ask questions in the following ways:

      • Asking in a designated channel (specified in the channel_id field) where every message sent will be responded to as long as it meets the minimum_words threshold requirements.

      • Mentioning the bot in any channel where it has the necessary permissions as long as it meets the minimum_words threshold requirements.

  2. Diverse AI Provider & Model Support (Free & Paid Options) ServerAssistantAI offers three different ways to load AI providers, allowing server owners to choose from a wide range of options to best suit their needs:

    • Built-in Providers: ServerAssistantAI comes with two built-in chat model providers, Cohere and OpenAI, which can be easily configured and used out of the box. Cohere offers free-to-use language models with enterprise-grade performance and scalability, while OpenAI provides state-of-the-art models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, known for their high-quality responses.

    • OpenAI URL Endpoint Compatible Providers: ServerAssistantAI also supports using custom URL endpoints for AI services that are compatible with the OpenAI API endpoints. By changing the base_url in the config.yml file, server owners can seamlessly integrate with a wide range of providers like Groq, LM Studio, LocalAI, Ollama, PerplexityAI, TogetherAI, and more. In the next update, this method will be significantly improved, and most of the known supported providers will be built-in. Unlike the default built-in providers, these providers will be automatically loaded and added to the credentials.yml file when the provider is set under provider and the plugin is reloaded.

    • AI Provider Addons: Server owners can further expand ServerAssistantAI's AI capabilities by downloading and installing AI Provider addons. These addons integrate additional language models and services, such as Anthropic's Claude 3.0 and HuggingFace, which supports thousands of open-source models. AI Provider addons are automatically registered when the plugin starts up. This allows for even more advanced and specialized AI assistance tailored to the server's specific needs.

  3. Customizable AI Persona

    • Persona Configuration: ServerAssistantAI enables server owners to customize the AI assistant's persona and behavior through the prompt-header.txt files located in the Discord and Minecraft directories. These files contain instructions and guidelines that shape the AI's tone, knowledge base, and interaction style, ensuring a consistent and appropriate experience for players.

    • Interaction Guidelines: The prompt-header.txt files also include interaction guidelines that define how the AI should handle sensitive or inappropriate questions, maintain a desired level of formality or casualness, adhere to server rules, and manage response length. This allows server owners to tailor the AI's behavior to their community's specific needs and preferences.

  4. Intelligent Question Detection

    • Simple and Advanced Modes: Choose between simple question detection using keyword matching and regex patterns, or download our free advanced question detection addon for improved accuracy and reduced false positives/negatives.

    • Customizable Detection: When using simple mode, server owners can fine-tune the question detection system by adjusting settings such as interpersonal keyword regex patterns. This helps the AI detect when a message in the chat is directed at another player rather than a question for the AI.

    • Advanced Question Detection: Our addon for the advanced question detection system accurately identifies and classifies player questions. Please note that the advanced question detection model was trained only in English, the addon may not be able to correctly identify questions in other languages, but multilingual support is planned.

  5. Context Awareness

    • Document-Based Knowledge: The AI assistant generates responses based on the information provided in the document.txt file to generate context-aware responses. Server owners can easily update and expand this file to include relevant details about the server, such as rules, features, and command usage, enabling the AI to provide accurate and up-to-date information to players.

    • Embedding-Based Retrieval: ServerAssistantAI uses advanced embedding techniques to efficiently retrieve the most relevant information from the document, enabling quick and precise responses to player questions. By default, a local embedding model is used, which has minimal impact on server performance. However, server owners can use embedding models from other services like OpenAI and Cohere by configuring the embedding_model section in the config.yml file.

    • Configurable Relevance Thresholds: Customize the max_results and min_score settings in the config.yml file to control the number of relevant embedding chunks included in the AI's context and the minimum relevance score required for a chunk to be considered related.

  6. Response Customization

    • Public and Private Responses: Server owners can configure ServerAssistantAI to send responses either publicly in the chat, visible to all players, or privately to the individual player who asked the question. This flexibility allows for a balance between public knowledge sharing and personal assistance, depending on the nature of the inquiry and the server's preferences.

    • In-game Response Toggling: Players can use the /serverassistantai toggle command to activate or deactivate the AI's automatic chat responses in-game, giving your players control over who the AI interacts with in the chat.

    • Message Formatting: ServerAssistantAI supports rich text formatting using MiniMessage, enabling server owners to customize the appearance of the AI's responses in Minecraft chat. This includes options for text color, style, and even gradient effects, ensuring that the AI's messages are visually appealing and consistent with the server's branding.

  7. Daily Limits

    • Configurable Daily Limits: ServerAssistantAI allows server owners to set daily question limits for both Minecraft and Discord users. These limits help manage AI usage efficiently and prevent abuse.

    • Multiple User Groups: The plugin supports defining multiple user groups with different daily limits. In-game users can be assigned to a specific group using the permission serverassistantai.group.<group>, while Discord users can be assigned to a group using either the role ID or role name in the config.

    • Bypass Permissions: Certain roles or permissions can be configured to bypass the daily limits, allowing trusted users or staff members to have unlimited access to the AI assistant.

  8. Logging and Moderation

    • Interaction Logging: ServerAssistantAI keeps detailed logs of all player interactions with the AI assistant in-game, including the questions asked and the responses provided. These logs are sent to a designated Discord channel, allowing server staff to monitor AI usage, identify potential issues, and ensure a safe and appropriate environment for all players.

  9. Performance Optimization

    • Asynchronous Performance: ServerAssistantAI is designed to handle AI-related tasks asynchronously, minimizing the impact on server performance.

    • Caching Mechanisms: ServerAssistantAI caches (stores) frequently accessed data like embeddings, which reduces the need for repetitive API calls, minimizing costs and improving response times.

  10. PlaceholderAPI Integration

    • Personalized Responses: By integrating with PlaceholderAPI, ServerAssistantAI can generate personalized responses that incorporate dynamic player-specific information. Placeholders such as player username, rank, playtime, and other data from various other plugins can be included in the AI's responses.

  11. Configurability

    • Extensive Configuration Options: ServerAssistantAI offers a wide range of configuration options through its config.yml file, allowing server owners to customize various aspects of the AI assistant's behavior, appearance, and performance.

  12. Language Support

    • Multiple Language Support: Although ServerAssistantAI primarily supports English language interactions, it can be extended to support other languages by leveraging language models from OpenAI, Cohere, and more.

  13. Addons and ServerAssistantAI API

    • Addons: ServerAssistantAI supports a wide range of add-ons like advanced question detection and more AI service options, offering additional features and enhancements to extend the capabilities of ServerAssistantAI.

    • API for Developers: ServerAssistantAI provides a powerful API that allows developers to integrate the AI assistant's functionality into their own plugins or applications. This opens up possibilities for custom addons, advanced integrations, and the development of additional features that enhance the capabilities of ServerAssistantAI.

These features collectively make ServerAssistantAI a comprehensive and powerful tool for enhancing player support, engagement, and overall experience on Minecraft servers.

Last updated