Credentials YAML File

The credentials.yml file is used to store API keys and other credentials required by ServerAssistantAI and its addons. This file is updated dynamically as you install new addons.

Configuring Credentials:

  • credentials.cohere.api_key: Your Cohere API key.

  • credentials.openai.api_key: Your OpenAI API key.

When using models from providers like HuggingFace or OpenAI, make sure to enter the appropriate API keys or access tokens in the credentials.yml file. These credentials are necessary for ServerAssistantAI to authenticate and access the required providers.

# ServerAssistantAI Credentials Configuration
# ===========================================
# This file is updated dynamically as you install new addons that require API keys or other credentials.
# Please do not modify this file manually unless filling in the generated credentials or if instructed by an update or the documentation.
# ===========================================

# Here you can configure credentials for services, such as APIs. Do not add your own service manually.
    api_key: ''

    api_key: ''

Last updated